8 Tips to Help you be an Eco-Friendly Driver
This April 22 marks the 52nd Earth Day, and what better way to celebrate than to practice eco-friendly habits on the road? Not only do these green actions help cut down waste, but they can also help save you money in the long run. Follow these simple tips, to become a more conscious driver – even when you’re not behind the wheel!
1. Exercise Fuel-Efficient Driving Techniques
Small habits can help to make a big change! If you’re waiting in the parking lot, or on the side of the road for a curb side pick-up, letting your car idle doesn’t seem consequential. However, those few minutes can be responsible for burning up fuel. The Government of Canada recommends turning off your engine when you’re idling for more than 60 seconds. On average, a 3L engine expends over 1 cup of fuel for every 10 minutes idling. [1]
Accelerating lightly is another tip that can help save some fuel. The harder you accelerate, the more fuel you’ll end up using. Next time you’re on the road, try imagining an open cup of coffee on the dashboard to build the habit – don’t let it spill! [1]
Coast when possible! Don’t waste your forward momentum by constantly breaking. Look ahead to gauge how traffic is behaving and take your foot off the accelerator. Coasting to slow your speed can help conserve fuel and save money. [1]
2. Tires Can Make a Difference
Tire maintenance is another one of the many ways you can help make your vehicle greener. Ensuring your tires are adequately inflated allows your vehicle to move more efficiently, reducing your gas usage and saving you more trips to the pump. In fact, a car with under-inflated tires can increase your fuel consumption by up to 4%! [1]
Significant tire tread depth can also impact your braking distance. Checking your tire tread depth can be done simply with a Tire Tread Depth Gauge, or even with a Canadian nickel! For the nickel method, insert the coin into the grooves between the treads of the tire with Queen Elizabeth’s crown facing down. If the top of the Queen’s crown is visible, your tire should be replaced. For more direction on checking your tire tread depth, take a look at Canadian Tire’s 6 step How-To article.
3. Maintain Your Vehicle
Keeping your car in tip-top shape not only means you’re less likely to face issues on the road, but you’re also helping to reduce your carbon emissions! Regularly changing your oil, replacing filters, testing your car battery, and more can mean your vehicle is running as productively as possible– helping to save you troubles in the long run. Not sure where to get started with your vehicle? Visit one of Canadian Tire’s Auto Service Centres for maintenance services that suit your needs.
4. Purchase Eco-Friendly Automotive Products
Whether you’re replacing your tires or washing your car, you can select products that are less environmentally harsh. A quick way of recognizing whether a product is eco-friendly is to read its contents label. Keep an eye out for biodegradable contents, such as using a vegetable oil base versus a petroleum base.
Canadian Tire offers eco-friendly substitutes to your typical automotive products. The Sans-Zo Waterless Car Wash helps lift light grime off your vehicle with its biodegradable formula. When looking for tires, opt for one with features that help support better fuel economy. A great option is the Continental TrueContact Tour All Season Tire that uses a tread and sidewall compound to help save fuel emissions.
5. Recycle!
Reducing, reusing, and recycling can sometimes feel like a chore – but it doesn’t have to be that way! Canadian Tire’s Used Tire Recycling Program helps keep tires out of landfills by giving them a new life, such as being used in rubber surfaces for children’s playgrounds. Don’t stop at just tires, you can recycle used oil, oil filters, oil containers, antifreeze, electronics, and more. For information on recycling items in your province, visit Canadian Tire’s Recycling Information page.
6. Practice Ecotourism
Being green doesn’t have to stop at what you buy, it can reflect in where you go, too! By travelling to conservation parks, hiking trails, biking paths, or rivers, you can help support local preservation efforts. Visiting these locations are also a great excuse to dust off your bike or hiking gear and get your body moving, all while enjoying what the earth has to offer!
If you’re planning an outdoor excursion, it can be difficult to know how to equip your vehicle for your next adventure. Luckily, we have a blog all about choosing the right bike rack, bike carriers, and cargo carriers!
7. Go Green Beyond the Road!
Being an eco-friendly driver doesn’t have to limit itself to your vehicle. It can even branch out into what you wear! The next time you’re browsing for new additions to your wardrobe, take a look at the material being used.
Mark’s carries denim that uses polyester made from recycled content, like plastic bottles. If you’re a Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance ® member, be sure to present your membership card for 10% off1 regular priced items!
Buying for a little one? Helly Hansen’s Kids’ and Juniors’ collections are made to last with extendable arms and legs, ensuring the garment grows along with whoever its keeping warm. With the durable material, there is less need to waste gear, helping you to save for years to come.
8. Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance®
Whether it’s Earth month, or any month, safety should always be a priority.
If you find yourself in roadside troubles, Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance can help 24/7 across Canada and the USA. From towing to any destination of your choice within the distance limits of the plan selected* to exceptional customer service, discover all the benefits Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance has to offer.
For assistance dial #TOW ^ or call 1-888-727-7478, even if you are not a current member.
Compare Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance Membership Plans here.
*Terms and conditions apply. Subject to the restrictions and limitations of the plan selected. For complete membership features, plan details and terms and conditions visit canadiantire.ca/roadside.
^Standard wireless rates apply. Not available through all carriers.
[1] Government of Canada Website. https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy-efficiency/transportation-alternative-fuels/personal-vehicles/fuel-efficient-driving-techniques/21038
1 Excludes the purchase of gift cards. Valid in-store only. Members must present their Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance membership card to receive the discount. See Welcome Package for offer expiry date.