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Gold vehicle Plan**

$97.74+tx / Année   $114.99 / Année

Great value for road trips and those with longer commutes. With the Gold vehicle Plan, you can rest assured that your registered vehicle is protected, regardless of who’s driving it. With towing distance up to 200 km per service call to the destination of your choice, rest assured we will help you get to where you need to.

Secondary Vehicle

$63.74+tx / Année   $74.99 / Année

Peace of mind on the road

24/7 Service across Canada & the USA

Even the most prepared road trip-crusader can hit bumps in the road. But when your vehicle breaks down, you want to know exactly who to call to get you moving. Join Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance and we will be there to help you get to where you’re going.

What's Gold in your plan**


With the Gold Vehicle Plan you are entitled to 5 service calls throughout the year.

towing service

We’ll tow you to any destination of your choice up to 200 km per service call. Towing includes use of flatbed and specialty equipment.

unlimited tows to canadian tire

A tow to a Canadian Tire Auto Service Centre for up to 200 km doesn’t count against your service calls when you receive auto service

battery boost

We will provide you with a battery boost to get your car back on the road.

flat tire change

You don’t have to worry if you get a flat tire on your trip, we will change your flat tire with your spare.


Stuck in a ditch? We will send you a service provider to attempt to extricate your vehicle. Gold Plan includes up to 2 tow trucks for a maximum of 60 minutes.


If you’re locked out of your vehicle we will send a service provider to attempt to gain access to the inside of your vehicle.

fuel delivery

Out of fuel? We will arrange for up to $5 of emergency fuel supply to be sent to you to get you to the nearest gas station.

member exclusive discounts

Receive exclusive discounts and offers on oil changes, car washes, entertainment, shopping, travel, hotels, attractions and more.

Register Now

Covers you regardless of which vehicle you’re driving or passenger in.

Covers your registered vehicle regardless of who’s driving it.

Canadian Tire Roadside Assistance

Made for life in Canada


Available 24/7

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